Motorized satellite dish

Motorized satellite dish with

Motorized Satellite Dish Positioners - Installation and AlignmentBasic settings of motorized satellite dishes are closely inter-connected. There are direct correlations between them.For example, changes in the vertical position of the support changes, in their turn, the elevation angle of the motorized positioner and the reflector's position. That's why you need to carry out initial adjustments of the positioner as accurate as possible. Otherwise you will have to re-do all the adjustments from the very beginning.When you install and adjust the motorized positioner, you need to ensure that the arc curve along which your satellite dish goes when turning fully matches the arc curve of visible satellites. For this purpose, you should proceed as follows:1. Set the position of support where a motorized antenna will further be mounted strictly vertically to the horizontal surface of the Earth.2. Align the dish's reflector in relation to the knee-shaped arm of the motorized positioner.4. Set the positioner with the satellite dish southward.You should follow these consecutive stages, when installing and adjusting a motorized satellite dish.

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